Go Without Fear Without Hate With Nirbhau Nirvair Collection

Virtues Nirbhau & Nirvair specify the Supremacy of God and deliver influential message to Sikhs about how to live their lives. Nirbhau & Nirvair are two moral values expressed in first Chant ‘Ekonkar’ or Mool Mantra of Sikh’s scripture Guru Granth Sahib Ji composed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
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Nirbhau Nirvair are adjectives of mool mantra. Both are desi roots and therapies of Sikhism. ‘Nirbhau’ means without any fear or without any afraid. ‘Nirvair’ means without hate, enmity, harm, revenge or animosity. But before talking about without fear, we must know the exact meaning of fear. What is fear? Fear is an unpleasant emotion or behavioral reaction about uncertain or unexpected situation. It depends on the attitude of people. Fear can be of several kinds like fear of theft, fear of losing someone, fear of death, fear of losing job, fear of loss in business, fear of failure in examination, fear of driving, fear of adverse medical report, fear of injury etc. Fear creates worries, anxiety and depression.
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Hate means to have a very strong feeling of disliking someone or somebody at all. But this arises due to some grudges, accidents or bad experiences in life. Involving in fear and hate, it's just a wastage of your precious time, and you will find nothing.
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Nirbhau Nirvair is the only solution to worries and anxieties. Inspired by these virtues, Punjabi Adda has bring variety of Nirbhau Nirvair T Shirt and hoodies for us. A great combination of spiritual values with modernization in your dressing style. Dressing style shows your personality. If you wear just routine denim with a simple t shirt and the same handbag shows your depressed personality but if you wear colorful tops, tees, and trendy denim, joggers show your cheerful side.
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Nirbhau Nirvair T Shirt and hoodies are perfect for Sikhs. Sikhs also known as Singhs or Lions are courageous, fearless, and warriors ready to deal with every situation. These products depict their strong personality. A slogan like ‘Without Fear, without hate’, Nishan Sahib, and khanda designs printed on it. Slogan and graphic t-shirts are today’s fashion trends. Tees and hoodies are available in a spectrum of colors, with a variety of sizes, and in superior quality fabric.
Without fear and Without hate shows God’s Pervasive power and compassion. Without fear means to be fearless, be courageous, be brave, be strong, be warrior. God is creator. Sat Guru or Guru or God is the only thing in the world that exists. God is fearless. Everything is God’s will whatever be outcome it depends on his desire. Punjabi Adda has brought a variety of Nirbhau Nirvair Hoodie and Tees for us.
Nirbhau Nirvair can be of Human qualities. These should be applied to us in real life. After reaching on ‘Nirbhau’ and ‘Nirvair’ you will find the true purpose of your life. It’s possible if you love unconditionally, without attachment, without expectation and without over-possessiveness to others. When you control on these things then you will enter the spiritual world.
By wearing Punjabi Adda’s Nirbhau Nirvair T Shirt and Hoodies you will deliver a peaceful message to society about equality and love for all humans, without any fear and hatred.